Valencia – Christmas Shopping Trip – Now Full

Note that this trip is now full but you can contact Amanda Jordan by email to be added to the waiting list for cancelled places.

Revised timings and drop off points

This year’s popular Christmas shopping trip will be visiting the Bonaire shopping centre in Valencia and then on to Ikea.

Monday 4th December.

Due popular demand for this year’s Christmas Shopping trip to include the city, this is the revised plan.

Cost remains the same 10 euros

09.00 prompt Leave from opp Interiors Javea Port (bus will be there 08.45)

10.30 Arr Valencia City, Those who want to shop in the city will get off at the usual point just up the road from the Bullring and train Station.

10.45 Arr Bonaire Shopping Center where the driver will stay with the bus so you can leave your purchases on board.

14.30 Depart Bonaire for the City.

14.45 Collect everyone from the city.

15.10 IKEA

16.30 Leave IKEA for the return Journey.

18.00 Arrive back in Javea.

So basically if you go to the city you should have roughly 4 hours shopping time.

Bonaire shoppers 3 and a half hours which should be ample.

All timings are courtesy of Mr Google so approx.

To book contact Amanda Jordan by email

Payment by bank transfer – click here for bank details

Payment by card – click here for secure payment screens