Marion Kenworthy of Todos Juntos Javea talks to the President
Todos Juntos Javea is the U3A Javea nominated charity for 2022. I met up for a coffee with Marion Kenworthy, U3A Javea member and Secretary of Todos Juntos Javea (TJJ) to find out about the wonderful charity work they are doing in Javea, and particularly in the Pueblo. Sometimes we give to a charity that seems very far away, and sometimes wonder if our donation is well spent. Todos Juntos and the team are right here beside us, and peopled by unpaid volunteers.
The charity was started 10 years ago by a Dutchman named Adriaan Bloem. The torch that he lit has now been passed to a wonderful group of volunteers. The Team are mainly expats (of many different nationalities, including English, Finnish, Welsh and Irish), and with a Spanish President, Carmen Alesanco, all living in Javea. Good people who want to give back to the town and the people who have made us all welcome. Not just helping ex-pats. But helping ALL in need who live here.
They work with Social Services, the Red Cross, local schools, the Town Hall, the Mayor and his officials.
Over the 10 years they raised over 100,000 euros through subscriptions and events. This funding is distributed to needy causes and individuals identified by Social Services or others, and also some large projects.
Individual cases helped have included children with congenital diseases, the elderly and lonely, people identified as being in need of support that Social Services could not address, residents of the Bon Retir Retirement Home, etc. The list is much too long to describe here.
Three Projects of special note are:
- The Autism Centre helps children with autism. Four years ago they had 15 children, one therapist, and no state aid. With the help of TJJ they now care for 54 children, and have two therapists. TJJ funded the purchase of visual and tactile aids (used to stimulate the children). They also funded (with the assistance of Javea Masonic Lodge No 40 and others) the installation of air-con and heating.
- The Day Centre (Centro de Dia Santa Maria de Betania) beside the Convent Church cares for many of the town’s elderly residents and is another large local project for Todos Juntos when they helped upgrade the kitchen and install heating.
- Tapis is a Centre for those in danger of social exclusion, particularly those with psychiatric issues. Todos Juntos purchased and supplied many items such as sewing machines, painting equipment and furniture. Supporters of this initiative include Pepa Gisbert from the Ayuntamiento, Val Dromgoole (former U3A President), John Deacon formerly of Concerts Costa Blanca, Quique Garcia of Casa Grau, and many others.
Todos Juntos Javea are helped by many, many individuals and organisations, too numerous to mention here for fear of leaving someone out, or seeming to praise one over another! Some give money, some give time. Some give both.
Now local people know that we ex-pats care about them too. We may find it difficult to communicate that sometimes, but the actions of groups like Todos Juntos says it for us.
For more information, or if you would like to host a fundraising event, please go to their website: www.todosjuntosjavea.com
Thank you! TODOS JUNTOS JAVEA. Un abrazo fuerte !